2+2=22 [the alphabet]
heinz emigholz | germany, 2017 | 88'
saturday 25.5.2019 15:15
guest: andreas reihse
chapter I of heinz emigholz's streetscapes tetralogy (2015-2017).
2+2=22 [the alphabet] consists of three distinct elements: scenes of the german band kreidler (thomas klein, alexander paulick, andreas reihse, detlef weinrich) at work on their album abc in a recording studio in tbilisi, georgia, rapidly leafed-through pages of 26 of emigholz's densely filled notebooks, and shots of anonymous buildings and streets in tbilisi. (pym films / filmgalerie 451)
director & writer heinz emigholz | cinematography & editing heinz emigholz, till beckmann | sound jochen jezussek | producers heinz emigholz, andreas reihse | screening format dcp | distribution / copy source filmgalerie 451