short film screening #4: years (50')
sunday 1.3.2020 17:45
engel schuh | manfred schwaba | austria, 2012/2013 | 5'
how times and media change. a soundless picture shows the essayist franz schuh, and the memories of his former life in a council house are played for us live through a magnetic tape reel. only at the end of the film do the images actually lead us into the past. film as a journey through time. (diagonale)
direction, cinematography, editing, sound manfred schwaba | script manfred schwaba, juli fritz | screening format 16mm + 1/4" tape | distribution / copy source notiz film / manfred schwaba
wildnis | helena wittmann | germany, 2013 | 12'
two seemingly contrasting spaces merge to construct a new space. the first space is the living room of a retired couple. the second space is embodied in super 8 recordings filmed by the old man during his numerous trips to africa and asia during the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. the pictures show exotic animals which are projected directly onto the walls and furniture of the house. the assembly of these differing spaces does not create a more succinct boundary between them, but rather assists in the mingling of the two spaces. in this fleeting moment of third space, as it is limited by time, a new cinematic reality is formed. (
concept, direction, cinematography, editing helena wittmann | sound design nika breithaupt | screening format dcp | distribution / copy source helena wittmann
helen of t | lewis klahr | united states, 2013 | 7'
helen of t is my contemplation of aging. the third episode of sixty six, a projected 12 film collage series that is a mythopoetic splice of classic greek mythology and mid '60s daylight noir. the scent of elliptical narrative lingers in the air, as vividly colored '60s comic book figures thread their way through iconic photograph settings that are often black and white and often of mid-twentieth century los angeles. a pop associational mindscape where texture and and eternal time are the favored intoxicants. it's my paradise lost - a place that can't exist yet always will. (lewis klahr)
realization lewis klahr | music elmer bernstein | producer california institute of the arts | screening format file | distribution / copy source lux
rosa coeli | josef dabernig | austria, 2003 | 24'
rosa coeli leads us into a cave or a pipe - the chasm of memory, the dark abyss of forgetting. the man returns to the site of his childhood, a moravian village. his father has died, which is the occasion for his journey. this sets off a whirl of associations; about returning, about the family. it draws childhood stories to the surface and a short time later, the child has grown too old to lose himself in the merry-go-round's pleasurable spin, an effect similar to that of slivovitz. the narrative is caught in a slip-stream, in a frenzy of memory. as though through a medium, deeper and deeper levels of the past are brought forth by the off-camera voice, from a time long before the main character's own story. (sylvia szely)
director, script, editing josef dabernig | cinematography christian giesser | sound design michael palm | screening format 35mm | distribution / copy source sixpackfilm