man and science
[ihminen ja tiede]
mika taanila | finland, 2011 | 0'27" (loop)
"this ready-made film is a discarded film fragment i found in a dustbin, a relic from a time before the advent of computer-programmed tv. in 1978, nobel science prize winners pjotr kapitsa, arno penzias, hamilton o. smith, peter d. mitchell and werner arber were filmed in a stockholm tv studio talking with bengt feldreich about fossil fuels, nuclear reactors, genetics, the nature of time and symmetry. my version is a flicker film comprised solely of the finnish subtitles that were played during the original broadcast. the film runs in a rapid loop, emulating the effect of a tibetan prayer wheel." (mika taanila)
concept & realization mika taanila | distribution / copy source mika taanila