klaus wyborny | germany, 2012 | 85'
how do you adapt a poem into a film? filmmaker klaus wyborny (b. 1945) and poet durs grünbein (b. 1962) tackle this question head on in syrakus, in an attempt to bring together their erudite approaches to their respective artforms in one composite work, that is neither an illustration of text or textual commentary on images, but something completely new emerging from this process: a film-poem, perhaps. with a deep understanding of the basic techniques of cinema (most of all meticulous editing and montage, a subject that wyborny has researched and written extensively on), the film gets a maximum effect with relatively minimal means - which also makes it perhaps the most quintessential metakino-film of this edition, if not the entire festival series.
director klaus wyborny | cinematography klaus wyborny | poetry durs grünbein | editing klaus wyborny | sound klaus wyborny | production klaus wyborny | distribution / copy source typee-film