metakino #6

whs teatteri union, helsinki

thursday 30.5.

19:00 short films: text
20:15 evening with josef dabernig

friday 31.5.

16:30 artist talk: günter zehetner
17:30 name gleich adresse
      + biblion

19:00 a los libros y a las mujeres canto
      + goodbye words

21:00 traces of movement before the ice

saturday 1.6.

17:30 tell me on tuesday
18:00 thomas bernhard - drei tage
19:15 hölderlin comics
21:00 syrakus

sunday 2.6.

15:30 melting ink
19:00 anders, molussien
      + the third reich of dreams

gallery unika (every day)

* franz biberkopf
* b+038-b+057
* man and science

(click on titles for info)


m e t a k i n o

previous editions:
#5 economy (june 2020)
#4 memory (february 2020)
#3 environment (october 2019)
#2 music (may 2019)
#1 architecture (january 2019)